Friday, January 9, 2015

Struggles with my new Cover

Since publishing "Be Careful What you Wish For" I've been working on a 3 book series called "Witch Slave".  The fist part of the series is ready to publish but I'm struggling with the cover.  I've found part of the cover I want which is the silhouette of a naked woman against a fiery orange background but I need a blue or blue violet fantasy background with a ragged, scary looking, ship with massive sails, and a jupiter type planet in a starry sky.  I can't find the second half I'm looking for.  On tip of that I'm also have a hard time getting those two pictures to blend together.  I want the orange photo with the naked woman's silhouette on the bottom and I want it to fade into the blue violet picture of a haunted ship and a fantasy sky on the top.

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